Spring Cleaning Made Easy with Magnets

 In Crafting with Magnets, Magnets

It’s common practice to thoroughly clean and air out your home after a long winter, but spring cleaning can be a real chore. Make spring cleaning a breeze with these magnetic hacks and DIYs.

DIY Magnetic Sponges

Magnetic sponges can make cleaning vases, fish tanks, windows and glass shelves easy. Take two sponges and cut a slit into the side of the sponge or cut one sponge in half and do the same. Then insert a strong ceramic or Neodymium disc magnet  into each pocket. Dunk your sponge or spray the glass service with cleaner and use one sponge on each side. The two sponges should attract through the glass, allowing you to thoroughly clean hard-to-reach places (like the inside of a vase) or clean both sides of a window or glass shelf at one time.

Keep Your Garbage Bag in Place with Magnets

For a big spring clean out, you can use magnets to hold open the top of a large trash bag. Find a metal surface, like a garage door or side of an appliance, and use two magnets to hold open a trash bag. Place them on the inside of trash bag near the top and attach them to your metal surface at a height where the bottom of the bag will be touching the ground. The magnets will keep the bag open so you can quickly purge a room of unwanted items.

Organize Your Broom Closet with Magnets

Keeping your cleaning supplies neat, organized and ready for use will make the task of spring cleaning so much simpler. Place a magnetic receptive strip inside a closet to hang your cleaning supplies from. Attach magnetic hooks to the strip and hang your brooms, mops, dust pan, ironing board and more. If they don’t have holes in the handles for hanging, glue a strong disc magnet to the top of the handle.

Double Your Storage with Hook Magnets

Too much clutter and not enough storage can make cleaning even more difficult and time-consuming. Add some space to your storage areas with hook magnets. Place a small sheet of metal inside one of your shelves and attach a few hook magnets on the other side, facing down. Now you can place items on the shelf, hang more from the shelf and still place items underneath the shelf.

Dishwasher Magnet

Another popular use for magnets when it comes to cleaning is the dishwasher magnet. These magnets are placed on the outside of the dishwasher and are used to indicate whether the dishes inside are clean or dirty. There are lots of options available for purchase from double-sided magnets and sliders. Or you can make easily make your own with a flexible sheet magnet. These can easily be cut into any shape you want with standard scissors and you can attach any kind of artwork or design you like to make our own custom magnet.

Magnetic Cleaning Chore Chart

Another way to stay on top of your spring cleaning is with a magnetic cleaning chore chart or check list. Create a magnet for each task or assign them to different family members to easily see what’s been done and make sure no chores go undone.

Organize Your Home with Magnets

Once the cleaning is done, magnets can help you keep your home looking great. Check out these helpful ways to organize your home using magnets from a previous blog post of ours.

Get Spring Cleaning with US Magnetix

Magnets can be great for cleaning, organizing and storing things all around your home any time of year. If you were inspired to get a jump on your spring cleaning by any of these magnetic hacks and DIYs, we can help you find the right magnets to get started. Shop our online magnet store, give us a call at 763-540-9497 or send us a message. We’d be happy to help you find the right magnet for your project.


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assorted sizes of round magnetsBoxing up electronics with magnets to recycle